quality services
Auctioneer | Appraiser | Keynote Speaker
Over 29 Years of Quality Service in Auctions, Appraisals, and Estate Sales – All for You.
About me
My name is Tonya Cameron. For over 20 years, I have coached hundreds of individuals, families, corporations and non-profit organizations achieve their goals through the auction marketing and appraisal method process by way of estate liquidations, estate creation and financial consultant services. In addition, I have helped to raise millions of dollars for non-profits organizations.
“I have 29 Years of Empowering Success Through Auction Marketing, Estate Solutions, and Non-Profit Fundraising.”

appraiser specialist
As a USPAP appraiser specializing in personal property, I have appraised over 100,000 items and boast a reputation for integrity, accuracy, and dependability in consulting and working with clients one on one in private, or in a group settings. My client base includes private individuals, lawyers, estate executors, private trust and estates, realtors, charities, non-profits, bankers, move managers, collectors, insurance companies as well as civic groups.
greatest accompaniments
One of my greatest accompaniments was consultant and auctioneer for the personal estate of former Worldwide Wresting Champion of the world, Walter “Killer” Kowalski with World Wrestling Entertainment Wrestler, Triple H, as the winning bidder on several top lots which gained worldwide press attention. I also took to public auction the personal property contents from the family descendants of the late Khalid Gibran, as well as being one of the first auctioneers to take to public auction, the contents of several closing Catholic Churches and Rectories throughout New England.

professional experience
For the last several years, I have been featured as the auctioneer for actor, comedian Chris Tucker’s foundation celebrity golf tournament and auction gala.
I am a former board of director Rotarian member, former Massachusetts Auctioneers Association board member and former Center for Women Enterprise rising star nominee.
I have three passions in life; one is coaching people in achieving their goals, teaching folks how to leave a sustainable family legacy and volunteering in advocating for animals. Yes, I’m a true animal lover.